Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mid Term Paper: Curriculum & Instruction

Time 1.5 Hours   Marks : 15         B.Ed .1
Note : Attempt two question in all
Question No.1 is compulsory .All question carry equal marks

Q.1 Answer the following questions.
  1. Define curriculum?
  2. define subject-based curriculum ?
  3. what are socio-culture foundation of curriculum ?
  4. Write two scope of curriculum development ?
  5. what is different between aim, goal, and objectives ?
  6. What is importance of formulation of objectives in curriculum design ?
  7. what is the role of teacher in Curriculum Planing ? 
Q.2. Discuss in detail about the foundation of curriculum ?
Q.3. Write shorts notes on any two of the following ? 
  1. Element of curriculum? 
  2. Learner-centered curriculum ?
  3. Role of several agencies involved in the process of curriculum design in Pakistan ? 

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