Friday, February 26, 2016

Aims, Goal and Objective

Aims, Goal and Objective
Aim is general expression of values that provide a sense of direction. It is a broadly stated outcome which is acceptable to everyone who is interested.
·         It’s not measurable
·         Its not achievable
·         Its in written form
·         Provide direction

All student should be scientifically literate.
Goal relate aim to some specific aspect of the program.
·         Its derived from aim
·         Partially measurable
·         Its observable
·         Partially in written form
·         Provide direction to objective.

Biology student should know that the abut personal health decision impact

 It is more specific to details and describe definite activates.
·         Its 100% achievable and measurable
·         100% in written form
·         It is derived from goal

Measurement , Assessment and Evaluation

Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or events.
The process of obtaining a numerical description of the degree to which an individual possesses a particular characteristic.   Measurement answers the question, “How much?”.
  • Test is used to gather information.
  • That information is presented in the form of measurement.
  • That measurement is then used to make evaluation. 
Assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal.
 Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. A test is a special form of assessment. Tests are assessments made under contrived circumstances especially so that they may be administered. In other words, all tests are assessments, but not all assessments are tests. We test at the end of a lesson or unit. We assess progress at the end of a school year.
It includes test observation,   interview, behavior monitoring etc. .

Evaluation: it is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting of information about the learning process.
On the basis of evaluation, decision and judgment are done based on some criteria and evidence. 

Procedure of evaluation

1)    Formative evaluation
2)    Summative evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Any evaluation that take place before or in the middle of a project implementation for improvement.
The formative assessments aim to see if the students understand the instruction before doing a summative assessment.
Summative Evaluation
It occur at the end of evolution cycle which provide a feedback where the student stands relative to the standard and goals.

Principles of Evaluation

1. It must be clearly stated what is to be evaluated:
A teacher must be clear about the purpose of evaluation. He must formulate the instructional objectives and define them clearly in terms of student’s observable behavior. Before selecting the achievement measures the intended learning out comes must be specified clearly.
2. A variety of evaluation techniques should be used for a comprehensive evaluation:
It is not possible to evaluate all the aspect of achievement with the help of a single technique. For the better evaluation the techniques like objective tests, essay tests, observational techniques etc. should be used. So that a complete’ picture of the pupil achievement and development can be assessed.
3. An evaluator should know the limitations of dif­ferent evaluation techniques:
Evaluation can be done with the help of simple observation or highly developed standardized tests. But whatever the instrument or technique may be it has its own limitation. There may be measurement errors. Sampling error is a common factor in educational and psychological meas­urements. An achievement test may not include the whole course content. Error in measurement can also be found due to students guessing on objective tests. Error is also found due to incorrect interpretation of test scores.
4. The technique of evaluation must be appropriate for the characteristics or performance to be measured:
Every evaluation technique is appropriate for some uses and inap­propriate for another. Therefore while selecting an evaluation technique one must be well aware of the strength and limitations of the techniques.
5. Evaluation is a means to an end but not an end in itself:
The evaluation technique is used to take decisions about the learner. It is not merely gathering data about the learner. Because blind collection of data is wastage of both time and effort. But the evaluation is meant for some useful purpose.

Purpose of evaluation

1)    Need of improvement in education process
2)    Guidance and counselling
3)    Selection of profession
4)    Classification of students
5)    Prepare progress report
6)    Feedback
7)    School or college organization
8)    Student motivation 

Step/phases of Evaluation

1)    Subjective evaluation  ( how one can explain idea / depth of knowledge is checked/ extended response )
2)    Objective  ( A question which have one correct answer )
3)    Oral ( practical activity )
4)    Verbal (via , interview )
5)    Non-verbal  (observation )