An education system is explicitly based on the quest “what to teach” and “how
to teach”. What to teach means learning material and how to teach implies
teaching methodology. The quality of education largely depends upon the quality
of teachers and the teaching learning resources available for the system.Today’s
students are learning facts,skills and attitudes from pictures
,television,recorded words,programmed lessons and other media.Once technology
enters the school building ,dramatic renovations usually begin.With the
technological magic touch,a simple school house turns in to a systemized
learning centre.In the instances where the student is the centre of
attention,technology is catalyst for educational change.Media is the means for
transmitting messages.Media includes such things as
prints,graphics,photography,audio communication,television,simulating games and
- Best Motivator : They are the best motivator. The students works with more zeal & interest.
- Clear Image : Clear image takes place when we, touch, handle, experience it.
- Variety : "mere Chalk & Talk" do not help. Audio –Visual Aids gives variety & provides different tools in ht hand of teacher.
- Freedom : When Audio –Visual Aids are employed, there is a great scope for children to move about talk, laugh & comment upon. Under such atmosphere the students work because they want to work, & not because the teacher wants them to work.
- Opportunities to Handle : many students always get a chance to handle the aids.
- Helpful in Attracting the Attention : Attention is the true factor in any process of learning & teaching Audio – Video Aids helps the teacher in providing proper environment for capturing as well as sustaining the attention and interest of the students in class room.
- Savings in Energy & Time : Due to effective implementation of "principle of Presentation", a good deal of energy & time of both the teacher & students can be saved.
- Realism : The Audio –Visual Aids gives the real touch to the learning situation.
- Encouragement to healthy class room interaction : Audio-visual aids through variety of stimuli, motivational, provisional of active participation of students, a good experience always encourage healthy class interaction between teacher and the learners.
- 10.Scope of education as a mass scale : The audio-Visual aids like radio, tape, television etc always plays role in spreading mass education.
- Positive environment for creative discipline : A balanced, rational, scientific use of Audio – Visual Aids develops , motivate, experience, attract the attention of the students and provides a variety of creative outlets for the utilization of their tremendous energy & keeps them busy in class room work. This overall classroom environment becomes conductive to creative discipline.
- Antidote to the disease of verbal instruction: They help to reduce verbalism.The over use of words can result in serious problem such as verbalism and forgetting.
- Meeting individual difference :The use of variety of audio visual aids helps in meeting the needs of different types of students.
- Promotion of scientific temper: By observing demonstrations and phenomena the cultivation of scientific temper develops.
- Development of higher faculties :Use of audio visual aids stirs the imagination ,thinking process and reasoning power of the students ,and calls for creativity and inventiveness and other higher mental activities on the parts of the students .
- Reinforcement to learners :Audio visual aids increases the probability of re occurrence of the responses associated with them.
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