Thursday, March 12, 2015

National education policy 1998-2010

Major objectives of this policy were as follows;
1. To make the Quaranic principles and Islamic practices an integral part of education system.
2. To achieve universal primary education.
3. To meet the basic educational needs of every individual.
4. To expand the basic education.
5. To ensure equal opportunity of higher education.
6. Laid emphasis on diversification.
7. To make curriculum development a continuous process.
8. To introduce in-service training programs for betterment of education.
Suggestions for achievement of above goals were:
Diversification of curriculum.
Expansion and emphasis on technical and science education.
Upgrading the quality of Deeni Madaras.
Teacher training programs both pre and in service.
Introduction of idea of multiple text book.
Development of National Testing Services.
Introduction of comprehensive monitoring system.
Education sector reform 2110---2005
This originated from the policy of 1998-2010 and focuses on development of human resources. The major thrust areas of ESR are as follows:
1. Promulgation of compulsory education.
2. Free text books.
3. Equal access to opportunities of learning.
4. Improving all aspects in quality education.
5. Introduction of new educational curricula.
6. Development of training learning resources and materials.
7. Offering incentives for private sector.
8. Introduction of computer course at all levels.
9. Strengthening of research in higher education.
10. Grant for affiliation of madarsas.
Now a days draft of new educational policy of education is in process of development.

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